Losing weight, Gaining weight. Eating wrong, eating right.

fitnessI’m writing this munching on a pear & sipping on a bottle of water having just completed a 30min pregnancy workout I found on youtube. Oh yes, I’m feeling proud of myself for attempting to be a fit mama, but unfortunately, 22 weeks in, I’m only just beginning my little fitness regime. *hides face in shame*. A few years ago, I fell in love with fitness, eating right, gyming & one thing I loved most about it was being able to see results, seriously. When I look back over my progress, I’m still so proud of what I achieved and how much I learnt too! So upon finding out I was pregnant, I made a bit of a silly mistake in thinking, “well, I’m going to get a big belly anyway so I don’t really need to be as strict as before” (I didn’t really eat pasta, rice, bread etc). I don’t want this to turn into too much of a pregnancy post, but what I will say was that I quickly gained weight. I’d love to blame this on the baby ha, and lots of people have tried to put me as ease saying, “oh but you’re pregnant its fine”, but trust me, all those takeaways, cakes, chocolates, sweets, etc are definitely the cause for my quick weight gain, not the tiny baby forming in my belly!  Continue reading